Computationally Occurred

about problems that i found during my IT life

Tag Archives: commands

Learn LateX and take it apart – Article useful commands for newbies

LateX is a great typesetting system and everytime i use it, i learn something new.
This time i’ve used the TexMaker editor, i’ll never change it! 😛

Some useful commands to use in an article are:

In the header…

%declare the article document package, with a4paper and 11pt arguments

%The font econding package with T1 as argument

%the input encoding package with utf8 enables you to write accented letters as è à

%I don’t know wtf this package do! -.-‘

%Babel package with italian argument enables to use italian language, but as reported in the
%link: “A doc­u­ment may se­lect a sin­gle lan­guage to be sup­ported, or it may se­lect sev­eral, in which case the doc­u­ment may switch from one lan­guage to an­other in a va­ri­ety of ways.”

%Pxfons, are Palatino fonts, i like them very much! Here some fonts combination ideas, in italian…

%Enables three types of interline spacing

%Enables includegraphics command for images

%Enables a list of companion fonts… read documentation… -.-‘

%hyperref makes your index, and other references as URLS or notes, linkable!
\usepackage{hyperref}%utile per inserire l’indice clickabile
%useful to set some options for hyperref package
%here enables coloured links with colour blue
%if doesn’t set, a box around all links will be visible!
\hypersetup{colorlinks=true, linkcolor=blue}

%Enables \ref{lbl} and \vref{lbl} cmds. In the second case, it links on page where the lbl is, useful for floating images

%Enables small fonts in caption command, hang argument indent text under the label.
\usepackage[font=small, hang]{caption}

%You can set a date, if empty, no date will be printed with \maketitle command

In the document…

%useful for a coverpage or every page without page-numbering

%restarts numbering, in this case with arabic numbers, there are many other numbering types

%To create a section

%to create a subsection, try to guess…

%to create a subsubsection… ^^

%cite the number of bibitem you want

%Enters the “bib refs” in the index.
%If you dont’ enter it, index will not have it
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{bib refs}

%A bibliography template, someone says that it’s not good, i liked it! 🙂
\begin{thebibliography}{widest entry}

\bibitem[#]{biblabel} auth (year) – title – source
